Its Friday again!

Chrissy H fitness
2 min readSep 18, 2021

Its that day of the week most of us look forward to most. It’s means a break from work (for many), and a break from the diet.

Who here has said to themselves I’ll just have to one drink or some crisps or whatever else you have blacklisted while you clean eat during the week only to end of going through several bottles or a full share sized packet?

What do you do then?

Do you:

A) go back to eating semi normally on Saturday and Sunday


B) Go “fuck it”. Sure the diet is ruined now, I may as well keep going and start again on Monday

Many of us (myself included) end up in option B and by doing that can end up not only balancing out the calories that we didn’t consume during the week, it can sometimes even result in a surplus

Coupled with the guilt of “not being disciplined enough” or whatever other self depricatin langauge that you use about yourself a vicous cycle can begin.

A few things to consider if this keeps happening to you:

  1. Are you dieting too aggressively? Maybe you aren’t eating enough during the week and this is waht is causing your weekend eating sprees, you’re body needs the extra energy, especially if you are exercising as well!
  2. What part of your cycle are you on, in the later phases of your cycle (nearing period) it is normal to be more hungry, our bodies need more carlories at this time so don’t ignore it!
  3. Is the eating emotionally driven? Do you need to look more deeply and see if something you are bottling down is driving you to comfort eat

There are many reasons this could be happening to you and these are only a few of the posibilities, but it is worth asking yourself the question why?

Is this something that you find yourself doing?

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Chrissy H fitness

Chrissy is a fitness coach, podcaster (whynot podcast) and part time equestion. Sharing ideas and tricks that can help both your physical and mental health!