Have you set the bar too high without doing ALL of the research?

Chrissy H fitness
2 min readFeb 7, 2021

We all have a version of ourselves that we want to be. It could be through physical appearance, or social status, or wealth.

This can lead us to want to emulate those that we see on social media, who appear to have achieved what we are aiming for.

For instance. We see that influencer who says they do keto or intermittent fasting or whatever other type of ‘diet’ and we automatically think. ‘I want to look like that, so I am going to follow that plan so I will look like that’

We are not taking into consideration so many lifestyle, genetic, or situational factors when doing so. Does this person have a particular training programme that they are not sharing that helps? Do they have kids or a full time job? Are they just really good at taking photos from different angles?

By not taking these parts of the story into consideration you are setting yourself up for failure, and normally when we fail, we binge. So what happens is you start following this certain diet protocol..

You can’t focus in work.

You’re not getting the same out of your workouts.

You can’t keep up with the kids cos your energy is low.

Then it all comes crashing down. You feel shitty, tired, your body hasn’t changed the way you expected and you just go ‘fuck it!’ and eat everything around you for the next days, weeks etc and end up back at square one.

The thing is. Without the full picture you can’t expect to get the full result. And by comparing yourself to someone else, who, you will never be the same as you are setting up for a massive fall.

Today’s task for you is to sit down and figure out what YOU want. Not what online or the magazine tells you.

Once you have that done it’s time to figure out how you will do that. Do you need a coach to help? Or is it something you can achieve on your own?

Then you have to make time for it. If you don’t make the time you won’t get the results.

And lastly believe in yourself because there’s no point doing the first two if you don’t believe in the first place!

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Chrissy H fitness

Chrissy is a fitness coach, podcaster (whynot podcast) and part time equestion. Sharing ideas and tricks that can help both your physical and mental health!