3 things to remember when starting back training!

Chrissy H fitness
2 min readSep 17, 2021
  1. You are going to be sore, no matter how long the break, you’re muscles are out of the habit of being under this type of tension. It doesn’t even have to be a break, sometimes this happens to me when I change my programme up! It will pass so don’t let it put you off!
  2. If you haven’t gone to the gym for a while don’t go straight back to the samw training intensity that you were doing before your break. If you do this at best you will be sore for days and unable to train or at worst injure yourself in the process. Take your time working back up to what you had done before and leave the ego at the door!
  3. Don’t be hard on yourself! You may not be able to do what you once done but thats ok too, you will get back to it in no time. Try not to compare yourself to others in the gym or in class with you as you don’t know how long they’ve been training or their training history, and their goals could be completely different to yours!

Remember whether its coming back after a holiday or an extended period of time off, having a plan can be really helpful!

Contacting a PT to help you with this or even joining some group classes that align with your goal can make a huge difference and make you feel less insecure!

If you need help getting back into the gym or even getting started, drop me a DM today and we can talk about how I can help YOU!

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Chrissy H fitness

Chrissy is a fitness coach, podcaster (whynot podcast) and part time equestion. Sharing ideas and tricks that can help both your physical and mental health!